Essent is one of the biggest Energy companies in The Netherlands. They provide a range of energy-related services, such as electricity and gas supply, green energy options and heating solutions.
I contributed as a UX/UI designer to the Future Energy Home team. We provided information and user journeys for sustainable en environmentally friendly products and services such as: solar panels, heatpumps, efficient boilers, home batteries, electrical charging stations and home insulation. View the live site here.
Due to data analytics we learned that the check tools for the energy home products work well for users. But before you can install a heat pump, your home will have to meet a number of requirements.
To better understand what information users are looking for, we conducted user studies with the current landing page for heat pumps. The biggest insights were the information overload that users were experiencing, a lack of visual hierarchy and the home criteria
The information overload that users mentioned has led me to split the current heat pump page into 2 new pages:
1. A landing page that acts as a gateway to all heat pump related information,
2. And a page dedicated to the home criteria. An additional plus is that this new page can be quickly found in Google due to the specific topic.
Don’t hesitate to ask your questions. You can schedule a free 30 minute call with me through the button below. I can also be reached via email or telephone +31 6 43 96 94 39.